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I’ve always been chubby and have never experienced being the “thin one” in my family, my circle of friends, in school, at work. I thought I could get use to the side comments about my body, and that i could just deal with it through jokes or making fun of the situation. I didn’t realize that I slowly became more shy and afraid to go out, see family, take risks and ultimately live life. You are on point when you said that it is common for women like us to wait on the weight before living the life we wanted. Thank you for the new perspective. Thank you for being the voice that says, “You deserve to live life to the fullest .” No “ifs”, or “buts”. Just live 🙂
Hi Sarah, I’m glad I came across your website today as I’ve been really struggling with my body image lately. Just got married about 5 weeks ago, but actually GAINED a few pounds during the weeks leading up to the wedding even though I exercised regularly. Our honeymoon in Italy was amazing and full of fun every day, but I’ve been struggling ever since we got home. I definitely need to incorporate more fun into my daily life. I think today I’ll go for a nice walk in the woods and go to the rock climbing gym this evening.
I came across this article tonight and I’m excited; it is perfect timing!
Right at this moment, I have watched all the videos and I love them! I’ve taken my notes and will be using the notes as my “bible”, if you will, starting TODAY! I have already joined on Facebook, as well. Sarah, you are a gift to all us women who are struggling to love ourselves, and I thank you! We are blessed in that you wanted to share your knowledge and use it for the greater good!
Sarah, you are so insightful and wonderful! Thank you for all your help and caring!
I find myself taking more care of my fiancee than I do myself. Today, I will do things that make me feel pretty i.e., makeup, hair, self tanner for my legs. Those things for me, go hand in hand with building a POSITIVE relationship with my body.
This video has definitely got me thinking and asking myself all the right questions. I am excited to see the other videos!
What will I do for fun today? I LOVE the bookstore. I’ll go there today.
My number one struggle with my body is EVERYTHING… there is not just ONE struggle.
I just struggle with the whole thing, I am drawn to unhealthy even though I know better
Even when I am ok with my weight #, I hate my figure/build.
Just finished the 2nd video and I’m fired up to create some change in my life.
1) I am the opposite of my husband – very demonstrative, affection. Because he’s not, though, I’ve held back more and more over the years. I’m going to stop holding back and stop being verbally critical of his lack of physical affection, good bye kisses and the like.
2)I am going to start treating my body better through more sleep. I say yes to too much and end up putting my commitments ahead of my health. I stay up late every night to complete work and family projects I’ve promised to do. I’m going to say no more, and go to bed at 10pm WITHOUT GUILT. My body deserves to be treated well and be well rested.
Making a better way of living.She cooks thin meals then i will eat everthing including left others.
Ibeleive iwill eat better with my sunnificant other.Making a better way of living.She cooks thin meals then i will eat everthing including left others.
My number one struggle with my body has been acceptance. I struggled with over eating and over dieting for much of my teens and twenties. I was the queen of yo-yo dieting. I had my sweet baby in my early 30s and had a very difficult pregnancy followed by an emergency c-section. Since then I’ve also developed issues with an underactive thyroid. All this led to depression and more over-eating. Through it all, I’ve gotten in the habit of being unkind to my own body and constantly put myself down in my head.
Fun – I definitely need to cultivate a playful spiri! I’m going to…watch some funny Imomsohard videos and also dance some today. I used to dance for hours when I was younger and unmarried. My husband never seems to want to join me, so I’ve just stopped dancing. I’m definitely going to try to incorporate more dance in my life!!
I gave birth to twins when I was 15 years old. Before I had them I was extremely skinny. To the point that I wanted curves. I wanted to gain weight. After I had them, I got my wish times 10!!! I had curves in places I didn’t even know existed. So I really struggled with my new body. And also still being a teenager with self esteem issues didn’t help. I have since then had two more children and I e always hated my body. I feel fat most of the time. I don’t like how my clothes fit. I’m just my biggest critic. I’ve tried numerous diets. But I do know that my eating is mostly emotional. I want to feel good. But it’s obviously not working. So that’s kind of where I am now. I am married now. So my life is completely different but it’s always been the same struggle.
Today I’m going to go hang out with a friend for fun. And I was actually thinking of dying my hair :-).
1. I’m in perimenopause and my body keeps changing. I’ve always strughled with my weight. I will have some success and then give up because it is too hard. I feel like I keep trying new things but I feel it is hopeless. I have so many obstacles and never really get to where I want to be even if I lose weight.
I’m going to clean my carpets. Having a clean house is fun for me.
How do you keep the motivation going? I tend to have ups and downs, so I end in the same spot.
1. I am never full no matter how much I eat.
2. I’m going for a long walk in the countryside on a lavender farm (I live in a very busy city).
I can relate to so much in this video!!! Started exercising on my own at age 10 and stayed fit until second child. Entering my 40s has been tough and I am unmotivated and constantly wasting time on the “when I lose the weight” daydreaming.
Going out on a date with my spouse tonight for fun!
It’s time for me to do this…I am ready!
I am going to start choosing at least 15 minutes of a fun activity everyday and really focusing on food I love.
I recently have been doing some self-reflecting and I realized I didn’t love what I saw in the mirror. I really want to love what I see.
To do something fun I am going to sit down in the sun and read a book that I want to read. Not something for school, but a book just for pleasure.
I need help starting and staying motivated.
I love this whole amazing concept! I am having trouble getting on to the modules. HELP!
Hi Pamela- so glad we got the modules worked out 🙂
Since starting the challenge, which by the way came at a time when I really needed it. I have stared to think about what I want in life and with the simple steps shown by Sarah the program has started me on a journey I don’t think I could have done by myself so thank you
the best change i’ve noticed since beginning live more weigh less challenge is that i am excited when i wake up. i’m excited to take on new challenges and events. i’m excited to go home after work to my lovely apartment that i am cleaning and nesting. i am excited to see the world with more joyful and confident eyes. i am thinking less about worries and loneliness and self-criticism and more about the moment, the beauty around me, the beauty i’ve created in my life, ALL that I have accomplished, and excited to move, move now and forward…what exciting things will happen today? how will I creatively solve any obstacles? how will accept pain and frustration and disappointment, move through it, and onward?
I just feel really excited to be me!
Well my career is looking after my children and wonderful husband, for me this is my perfect career as before I was a mum and a wife, I was in a job that I didn’t enjoy, i was a baker for a big supermarket and I hated the hours that I had to work and the pressure became to much, so I made the choice to leave, this was the best thing that I had ever done. As for what I want to do with my life now, well this is where I am stuck as I don’t know where or more to the point what to do, but I think as time goes on something will turn up. Ok for being spiritual well I love to do yoga and at the end of this practice there is always some meditation and this is my favourite part as it gives me a lot of peace within myself.
Thank you for the opportunity to watch thes great videos, it has made me start to think a lot more about my life and why I’m not as happy as I could be.
So career wise – funnily enough – I have been wanting to refocus my path…just because I am good at something does not necessarily mean it is good for me….my challenge at the moment is the things I would wish to challenge my energies on require money 1st…I need to focus long and hard on this and take time (ie not frying pan into fire…as I have done so many time in the past, when I have been feeling this way…).
For spirituality I know I should meditate but I never give myself the time – the other thing I should be doing is playing the piano – but for some reason this is a HUGE MENTAL BLOCK for me…I really need to overcome this and work on how to do it…….playing the piano brought me hours of peace and happiness as a child…then a teacher failed me and I doubted myself and it all went away…I really need to regain that belief and passion again.
I feel sad and lost whilst writing this – makes me realise how I ‘drift’ through my days without allowing myself to REALLY think and feel.
Thank you Sarah – this is a biggy for me <3
Oh I was too quick to submit my previous post 😉
For fun today, I’m going to the seaside. It’s sunny outside, so a walk on the beach, camera in hand, is what I really feel like right now!
My twisted body image stems from my early teens. I was a very active and sportive young girl. I swam, did karate and spent my days outdoors whenever I could. I loved being strong and adventurous, a bit of a tom boy. But at 12 or 13 years old it felt like a lot of people around me expected me to become more feminine. My sister had always been a quiet and slender girl and I was being compared to her. I was tall and broad shouldered at that age. I knew what I wanted and was always quick to reply. All qualities that most of my surroundings – in my recollection – disapproved off. It left me feeling that how I looked and felt wasn’t ok. I got convinced that I should not be happy with how I looked and felt in my body. I wasn’t overweight then, I was just not feminine enough. On top of that I felt unsafe at home with an alcoholic mother and absent, but demanding father. I think I lost myself there for a while, overwhelmed by feelings and alone, eating was a way to numb it all (still is I think). My struggle now is to acknowledge that, don’t be too hard on myself for it, rekindle my core beliefs, which in hind sight were so true and good and nurse my body back to health and comfort.
Thank you Sarah! This is the second time I’m joining the Live More challenge, the first time after the mastery, and I’m still learning so much about myself. The action steps you lay out and questions you ask are really helping me to figure this out and start moving in the direction I want to be moving in. Thank you…
I going to stop putting the act of ‘dreaming’ on hold. I’ve been working toward a goal of getting out of debt, and I won’t give a lot of thought to the post debt life because it makes me sad that I can’t have it right now, but I think that I need to start dreaming again. I’m also going to take a more active role in having a dating life (I’ve been very passive the past few years-mostly because I became exhausted from dating and ‘putting myself out there’). Lastly, I’m going to tell my body that she’s beautiful and fearfully and wonderfully made daily!