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I failed at eating without distraction earlier but just did it for dinner and literally feel full off a serving on a salad plate. I usually go for seconds after a dinner-sized plate!! Wow
Thank you for this information, and I really resonate with your approach. I’ve been binge eating and emotional eating for most of my life, beginning at 45kgs in my modelling days to clinical obesity now in my forties. And I’m just so tired of being in this body. I feel really disconnected from it. I don’t take care of myself or from myself at all.
For fun today I’m going to dance in my living room for as long as it’s fun.
I’ve eaten without distractions before and I find it really, really uncomfortable. I am addicted to the combination of binging while watching TV after everyone is in bed. Thank you for your videos!
I grew up in an emotionally abusive household where I learned from a young age that I was not good enough the way that I was and in order to be worthy, I neede to lose weight.
I have been battling an eating disorder for most of my life. I had to gain weight in order to be healthy and I am very uncomfortable with body. I am extremely self critical and am very mean to myself. My goal is to love accept and love myself as I am today.
I would love to take the course but since I am in Canada and it is already expensive, I am not sure I can swing it.
Today, I will go to the gym with some friends and do a Spinning and Yoga class. I will also meet some friends for coffee.
The first video was great. I look forward to watching the others.
Thank you,
Amy xoxox
I i love the videos
Every thing your saying i completely get im 40 with a 15yo and have ended a 5 year relationship and ive lost who i am but these videos are making me.see me. I just wish financially i could afford the program
I love you! You just spoke to me. You are so honest and wise.Thank you!
How do I let go of the anger and negativity I have towards myself when I look in the mirror and hate what I see.
It’s been a rough few days feeling fat and unloved.
Sarah,first of all watching you exude all your self esteem and high priestess power is something I hope to be able to embody someday.
I just got a promotion at my day job and am simultaneously starting a new business. I am a mom to three, wife, sister, and daughter. I recently realized that I often describe myself as who I love, and who loves me. Which brings me here.
For fun I will sneak away from the chaos and give myself 10 minutes of transcendent meditation above the clouds because that is actually the last time I truly felt happy. I feel pure joy when I give my spiritual body the freedom to explore. I feel bursts of joy when I am with my children and they hug me or my husband when he makes some silly joke. But happiness that I know will last forever is found via meditation for me right now.
I desperately want to take this class but finically I cannot swing it. So I will watch these videos over and over and hang on every word.
Thank you for this!
So after suffering 5 years with a fibroid tumor – my hormones went haywire – of course this all went with a divorce and menopause … i gained 70 pounds – i hated how i looked – still do most days – so b/f asked when was the last time i was happy and had fun – and truly i could not think of any thing recent. so your video is perfectly timed.
1. I struggle with my body is that I can no longer loss weight though I’m constantly dieting and exercising. I’m 56 years old and still Perimenopause. I’m in limbo.
2. For fun today, I will make sure I walk and shop at our local Whole Earth festival. Happy Mother’s Day.
My number one thought about my body is that I was in constant comparison with a skinny mom and skinny sister. I still do it today when I am with them. I remember Mom had a Joy of Cooking Cookbook with calorie counts in the back – so I started dieting in 8th grade. And to beat it all my mom encouraged me.
I am leaving a bad marriage that led me to drinking lots of beer and putting on 30 lbs. in the past 3 years. What I am going to do for fun is color, so many fun coloring books. I love that you have been so bold to share yourself, I will try and share myself as well. Thanks so much!
All I did was ask myself in the morning… “what if I already loved my body?” Wow, what a difference. Why save it for something special. I did my hair and makeup and put on my favorite oils. Put on my favorite shirt and new jeans.Is this how real people live? I usually wear my holey stretch paints and a stain sweatshirt! My perspective was different all day! I could ask, if I loved my body, would I eat this? Would I do that? etc.
Much LOVE!
I really needed to see this video today on so many levels. I’ve been trying very hard recently to have a better relationship with my body and have started some work on my Inner Child. My self image problem goes way back to my childhood, so I must start there.
Thank you for sharing your personal story and for authenticity. I look forward to the next videos.
I’m snowed in today where I live, so for fun, I think I will work on a craft project which I love . Bringing out ones creativity is always good for self love!
Thank you again Sarah! xo
I think the best word to describe my current relationship with food and my body is “better,” but I still want to continue improving. I have experienced much of what you described in your video. I started dieting from a young age, as well, and it became my entire life’s mission to be smaller. At age 20 I actually had some success and lost 60 pounds. I had to fight so hard to keep it off though and with every diet attempt, I found myself suffering from worse and worse binge eating until I had gained all the weight back and more with so much fluctuation up and down in between. I tried so hard to lose weight and keep it off that I even became a personal trainer, got a degree in exercise science, and made weight loss my full time career. It still didn’t stick. I have finally gotten better though since I gave up dieting and began focusing on my relationship with my body and self. I’ve even dropped a couple sizes since. Now I’m in the process of trying to transition my personal training business into a health and self-love coaching business, but I do have plenty more I could master when it comes to the way I feel about putting myself out there and also adjusting how and what I eat for other reasons outside of weight loss. For example, I’d like to cook and eat at home a little more than I do, but I can get in the habit of the convenience of prepared foods. I like what you said about prioritizing fun! I like to think that I have more fun than I do, but it doesn’t happen everyday, not even close, so that was eye-opening! Tonight I have a reading scheduled so I can learn all about my aura and past lives and things like that! Should be interesting! And I’m trying to prioritize fitness again so maybe today I’ll go for the exercise I want to do and not the exercise I think I should do!
Sarah, this was such an insightful video. Thank you 🙂 I’ve struggled with my body and food since I was 8 years old. Been on every diet under the sun and had an intense hatred for my body for years. I lived for years between the 2 ditches of restriction and binging, spiraling deeper and deeper into shame. Thankfully, I finally hit rock bottom in the fall of 2006 and have been on the road to healing and recovery since that time. This has been a process and I so relate to many aspects of your story.
Today I’m going to my daughter’s basketball game and while that may not sound like fun, for me it is! She’s a senior and the last of my children still at home, so every opportunity to watch her play is a true JOY!
I love the idea of being present when I eat. In the past few months, I began keeping a food journal to notice and become aware of how food makes me feel, what tastes good, what didn’t, why I was eating, etc. It has been eye-opening, but I believe this practice will add another layer to healing my relationship with food.
Thank you for your authenticity!
Love getting to know you through this video! Your thoughts and methods resonate with me so very well and I look forward to this journey.
In addition to slowing down and eating my food without distractions, I am trying to focus on really tasting the food and feeling the nourishment it brings to my body. Whenever I find myself tempted to eat something, I will slow down enough to ask my body if this is what she wants to love and nourish her. The answer may be yes and I will honor that. I will be present in the moment.
Today I will grab a friend and head off to visit some friends and witness their amazing jam sessions – music, friends, and fun – what could be better than that!
Atma namaste.
My relationship with my body: I hate it and do not even like to look in the mirror. One fun thing I will do today is work on one of my craft projects. Just had surgery 1week ago today so still in recovery.
Hi Sarah,
First of all I must say that the things you said really resonated with me. I’ve always believed that people who struggle with their weight deep down inside were not happy. I’ve struggled with my weight for a very long time. I’ve been through a lot of traumatic situations in my life and have never truly taken care of me. It’s been more like survival modeuntil about 5 years ago when I fell in love with yoga. It truly changed my life. I was never stressed,never struggled with eating or my weight and was very happy for about a year all the while going to yoga classes daily. I started working on my degree, my 2 kids were in high school, I was working full time and yoga slowly slipped away. After 3 yrs, my kids were out of the house, I finally finished my degree and then 3 months later was diagnosed with cancer.I was 39. It’s was aggressive. Treatment needed to be immediate. 2 days prior to the dianosis I was laid off from my full time job of 5 yrs. I had a total hysterectomy, my body was instantly thrown into forced menopause and holy moly! I had genetic testing done, found that it was genetically caused and my risk of multiple cancers was much higher than the average person. I went through chemo, radiation, severe depression, my hair started growing back, I instantly gained 30 lbs and felt like a moving target. I tried to go back to work. I had been in non profit for a long time and just couldn’t find the right fit. We opened a business and I have gained another 30 lbs. We have taken on raising our grandson, have a 5 month old business, I work 7 days a week, am surrounded by all my favorite foods at our general store. Pizzas, burgers, fries etc and I have no time for me, no time for exercise, no time at home and am exhausted. I don’t know how I can possibly fit anything else in but I can’t stand this new body, none of my clothes fit anymore, I’m very unhappy and stressed and I can’t keep doing this. My spiritual life is non-existent as is our love life. We have no time for fun. I know it will get easier once the business picks up but I won’t be around for it if I don’t make some changes. Wow, that was alot! Anyway, for fun…. I am going to take my dogs and grandson for a walk without my phone tomorow through the neighborhood and just leave work on hold for that period of time.
Thank you sincerely,
Love & Light
Hi Nellie,
I just wanted to say kudos for taking on the world. I do that too. But we both should look at that layer of “extra pounds” as a barrier that we have built to protect our true selves. I see this in you- because I see it in me.
You my friend, are valiant. Don’t let the To Do’s of the day be your only completed tasks. Self care is huge.
2 months ago I decided no matter how I debt we are- how much we struggle- I will get a massage. How can I preform in life with a out of tune instrument?
Sending love.
As a young adult my body was a tool of power. I’d use it to find love and attention. As I grew older and into a committed relationship, I didn’t know how to handle male attention as a married women. I believe my body started to change to protect me from myself. Soon, the male attention went away because I was desirable any longer. Now, after 18 years of marriage, I’m walking around with a lot of unwanted weight and don’t feel I need it to protect me any longer. It’s time for this weight to move on so that I can be healthy as I approach my 47th birthday.
Number 1 struggle with my body – is just always hating it – like for no good reason and just trying to punish it and hurt it into submission; it never being good enough; it always being a disappointment; it being the sole definition of success in my life despite ALL my other accomplishments; if I’m thin people (read family) think I’m on top of things and happy and if I’m not well you’re a loser and we will distance ourselves from you. I hate that my only goal for so long has been to ‘lose weight’ (and I’m only talking like a few kgs) and now I find it hard t think of any other goals. It’s my sole indicator of whether I have control in my life….. this is all embarrassing and immature and I know I should know better.
Its very hard to think of something to do that is fun – which is a bummer and eye opening in itself.
I have started mindfully eating and it’s very good. Its more relaxing. Yes hard to concentrate too. But it definitely helps identify my preferences, which is empowering in finding out who am, what do I like, what do I want to do….
I struggle with feeling left out because of my celiac disease, it turns out my body is starting to get sick when I eat dairy and eggs now, too. I have always been an emotional eater, and I am thankful for this post. I will be thinking about what makes me happy!
I’m still thinking about how I’m waiting for the weight! But I know I’ve definitely been snappy with my boyfriend lately especially in conversations about the house we’re renovating so I’m going to try and have more patience and think before I speak. I’ve started a savings jar just for massages so every time I get enough in there I’ll be booking one.
Really glad I came across your videos! I’ve always struggled with my weight, I was the chubby kid at school and my emotional eating has got worse as I’ve got older maybe as work/home stress has increased. I’ve learned some techniques to reduce this over the last 2 years – meditation, running (for stress release rather than weight loss), keeping a gratitude journal. But I’ve lost sight of what food makes me feel good. I have digestive issues particularly with wheat products and I often feel bloated and sluggish but I struggle to avoid those foods that make me feel bad which seems crazy. Your message in this first video really resonated with me after just getting back from a holiday where I tried not to worry about what I ate and I didn’t gain a pound. Three weeks later and now back at work I’ve already started gaining weight – so I’m clearly not having as much fun! I’ve always enjoyed dancing so today I’m going to find a dance or Zumba class I can attend this week. I’m also going to spend more time reading which I love.
This video has definitely got me thinking and asking myself all the right questions. I am excited to see the other videos!