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Our Live More Weigh Less graduates have had incredible results, and none of them ever thought they could do it. Read all of our success stories here.


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  • Mandy Stansfield

    Thank you Sarah for todays message.
    The spirituality part of this was nice to hear as im quite involved with those kind of things. I use Goddess cards and carry Rose Quartz with me at all times.
    The career part was a bit too stereotypical for me. We dont all work at a desk! My job involves very strict Health and Safety regulations and strict time scales (would you believe im in catering!) I work within a pharmaceutical company where we cater for the scientists. It’s really interesting and i love it so even though its busy and stressful i dont want to change that part of my life.
    Thank you again for your insightful and kind words Sarah xx

  • Sandy

    Today, for fun I will go to the park and enjoy the sunshine 🙂

  • Jessica

    Since participating in the challenge, I am consciously trying to elevate my state of mind before diving in to tasks. Deep breathing and bubble baths have been helpful in the process!

  • Rebecca

    Thank you for today’s message. I have been floundering with my life’s passion/purpose. For many years I stayed home and raised my kiddos, putting my own dreams and desires on the shelf. I know that I am here for a reason and my struggle is implementing it. I too am a life coach and my passion is forgiveness. We all have been through SO much in life and too many of us carry around our sorrows blaming someone else. My passion is to help them to release their story and find joy in the simplest of things. But currently I am stuck….I don’t have clients and I’m not sure where to go from here.

    My spiritual practice is a bit lacking as well. I used to trail run, and that became my “church” being out in nature with the birds, squirrels, and butterflies I felt one with life. But I’ve moved from that area and no longer have a sacred space to BE…I’m missing that part of my life. I also want to get back into meditation and journaling. It’s time to nurture that part of me once again.

    Thank you again for the nudge! <3

  • Piper

    I have been being so much kinder to my body since starting this challenge. I have been resting more instead of powering through exhaustion. I have been looking at the exertion I do every day as a way of treating my body well instead of as a punishing chore. And I have started to notice more about my body that I genuinely like (instead of being fixated on the components that I want to improve!), which has been amazing. I am definitely going to try the tarot cards to bring more magic and spirituality into my life!

  • Mars

    Since starting this challenge. I have felt so much lighter emotionally and at peace within my own skin! Thank you for helping me start this journey Sarah! Mars

  • Hayley

    Since doing the #LiveMoreChallenge I have begun to speak to myself differently. I am a CBT therapist and also practice from a Compassion Focused Therapy perspective. The Challenge has really encouraged me to use some of the techniques I use with my clients on myself, to nurture a sense of self-compassion and contentment, and transition from self-criticism to self-encouragement. This year has brought up some difficulties for me personally that I have recently started to address (perfectionism and self-criticism being 2 main components) and the #LiveMoreChallenge came at a perfect time to augment the self-improvement journey I was just beginning. It’s been really interesting so far to see how simple challenges encourage a real shift in focus and mindset, I have begun to change my habits and will be going back to the gym this evening – despite the focus of the challenges being on things other than diets and exercise! Magic!
    Also, the Facebook group is the most incredibly supportive and encouraging community I have ever experienced. Thank you! x

  • tina riney

    It has made me look after muself more than before x i am a carer for my grandad and my small children and i cant change that x but i can change my surroundings and myself like buying myself flowers weekly and trying new lipstick and generally looking after myself more x which i have been doing x was very spiritual when i was younger and have decided to go buy myself some tarot cards x and look at them daily x it will hopefully cheer me up x thanks sarah

  • Evangeline

    I had gotten off track with the stress of a full time job and finishing up school. I was panicking that I’m wrapping school and no one will want me once I have my degree. I was feeling worthless and scared. This program could not have come at a better time.I just finished yesterday and since starting this program the last week my confidence is back again.I can’t wait to dive into my next big adventure – starting my new career

    • Sarah

      I am so happy to hear you are feeling brave and confident while open to receiving your next adventure. That’s so great!

  • Sarah Schultz

    Best change? I am allowing myself to be seen and to be brave. I’m hiding just a little bit less. I have a workspace at home now that feels peaceful and serene. I plan on putting up some postcards and images that make me smile. xo

    • Sarah

      This is such an inspiring share. I am so proud of you for being brave and allowing yourself to shine! Having a space you love and surrounding yourself with images that make you happy sounds just exactly perfect. xo

  • Lee

    My relationship with my body. I never appreciated my body in my youth, it was quite boyish & I really couldn’t cope with puberty & breasts growing. When I had my first child age 30, I fell in love with the amazingness of a woman’s body &’what it goes through to grow a baby & give birth. I had four children, I gave birth at home without drugs, my body was incredible, it healed, if fed my babies ……why do I struggle with my love for my body now, now It’s job is done…..I’m squidgy round the middle, my tummy is like a roo pouch, my hips are chubby …. My legs are quite good, my breasts are being drawn by gravity! It’s hard to love my body. I want it to be how it used to be when I didn’t appreciate it. I’m not confident in dressing it, I stick to jeans & a loose top to hide my shape. I want to love me. I want to be proud of my body too.

    • Sarah

      Hi Lee- I think so many of us relate to your share. Your body is a miraculous machine and it loves you so much. I invite you to start talking to yourself with loving kindness and let her know how much she is appreciated. xo

  • Nicola Brown

    I have given up dieting and I want to commit to eating without distraction.
    Interested in changing my office environment, but I’m not allowed flowers or plants and we have a clear desk policy, so I’m going to have to be clever on that one.

    • Sarah

      Hi Nicola- yay for giving up dieting! Eating without distractions is a HUGE intention and it will change your life. That is a challenge about your office space, but right away I am thinking ways you can personalize it with pens you love, a mug for your tea/coffee that makes you smile or feel comforted when you see it- things like that!. Keep me posted. xo

  • Jen

    Good morning! I think the best change I have made during this Challenge is learning to sit back and figure out what is fun for me and how to make my home space more inviting and welcoming. My biggest challenge has always been not wanting to take a class or join an event because I feel less confident because of how I look. As a result of week 1 of the Challenge I registered for a cooking class….which starts in 2 hours! I am stilled not thrilled with how I look but I picked out something nice to wear, did my hair and makeup and am determined to talk to people, make connections and have fun!

    • Sarah

      Hi Jen- this cooking class sounds so fun- yay! I can’t wait to hear how it goes- beautiful work putting yourself out there and being open to receive fun.

  • Jenny

    Best change is I’ve realized I need to be proud of who I am and loving myself first. In doing so it has such a beautiful ripple effect (just ask my husband)!

    • Sarah

      Yes! Be proud of who you are and know that who you are is amazing! xo

  • Michelle mitchell

    I’m making more time for me,but after years of always having someone with me when I’m out,whether it kids, their friends,dogs,etc the best change I’ve made so far is being able to have the confidence to go out completely on my own,So far have visited a castle and interacted with strangers,went out to eat and drink on my own. It’s been a great experience. Now, if I can just curb the emotional eating !but I already feel happier from the inside.i hold my head up high when I go out instead of looking at the ground. I feel like I’m glowing ☺so can only get better from here. Fingers crossed xxx

    • Sarah

      I am so happy to hear you are adventuring on your own and enjoying this space. The webinar will have amazing tips for emotional eating. xo

  • My

    I’m wearing beautiful clothes everyday, because I feel like I’m actually worth it!
    Before I was literally know as “the girl who always wears sweatsuits”…

    • Sarah

      It makes such a difference when feel beautiful in our clothes- we smile more, we walk differently- it’s pretty awesome. Thank you!

  • Lislie

    I did change one thing in my life…I am putting me first. Well most of the time. I have committed to 6 month membership for a massage once a month at least for the next 6 months. I am learning to relax and let another take care of me and focus completely on what my body needs for that 50minute session. At first this felt selfish and I should be doing this or that. Now I am telling myself it’s ok. Everyone will survive without you for one hour. I start with my breathing while I am driving to my session and continue to hydrate and breathe while I wait to go back to the room. During the session I remind myself to just breathe and turn my mind off. Let the body heal.

    • Sarah

      I love this commitment to putting yourself first. You may notice that you are able to take care of others, when you have taken your own needs into account. Beautiful work!

  • Lislie

    I am 50 years old and I weigh the same as I did at age 30 when I gave birth to my last child. I would say that I am stuck in a rut on that weight issue for sure.

  • Kali

    Putting myself on my daily “to do” list. That itself has had a profound effect on me since starting this challenge. It is a struggle to not only make myself a priority, but to also put myself out there to complete strangers! It’s scary! And then oddly enough, I find myself kind of liking it and looking forward to hearing other people’s stories as well as comments on my own. It’s allowed me to open up a little more each day. I’m shy and private and have such a difficult time connecting to people on a deeper level due to what I’ve been through and the PTSD that affects me still.
    Every little piece of me I leave on the FB support page is terrifying and then every like and comment heals that fear a bit. It’s all been freeing.

  • Jenny

    I am stuck precisely where you were. Thinking 100 lbs less is going to be the switch that “makes it all better.”
    I’ve got it all lined up and know what to do right AFTER THE WEIGHT IS GONE.
    I’ve been stuck there about two years at least. & weigh the same and feel the same body shame from a year ago.
    I thought I’d be “better by now.”
    But I know I have to address the reasons I eat it he way I do (after beau is asleep, when I’m home alone. Throwing the pizza box out before he gets s home.)
    But I’m eating because I’m lonely and unfulfilled. And I know that. So I’m excited to work your steps to see what changes may change me
    For me.
    I really am in body jail and it’s painful.

    I will check back in tomorrow and share what I did for fun and how it was to eat without distraction.

    Thank you Sarah and team for video one.

  • Shawna

    In the past few years, I have stopped dieting and it has greatly improved my relationship with my body, food, and even others (makes me a much easier guest!) There are still things I’d like to change about my body but I find when I’m focused on healthy behaviors without being attached to an outcome I am much more successful and happy.

    For fun, I went out for breakfast with my manpanion. It’s nice to spend time together over a meal. And I can enjoy it guilt-free since I removed so many of the self-imposed restrictions I had previously placed on myself.

  • Veronica

    I am not in a relationship with a significant other at the moment. I have no plans to work toward gaining a new relationship, although I am not opposed to it. I am working on my relationship with the most important person in my life–me. I am discovering how beautiful I am and I tell myself so out loud when I pass a mirror. I don’t wait for things anymore because I know I have freedom (a core desired freedom) to chose what I want and how I want to feel at any point in time. I feel pretty good in my skin and I am working with a naturopath to feel good on the inside as well. I put lotion on every time I shower, but I will pay more attention to how I do this for this particular exercise. I will focus on loving myself more as I take care of my skin.

  • Hayley

    1. I’ve been waiting to buy some new clothes, but last week when starting this challenge I treated myself to a pair of new work trousers, because I decided I want to look and feel better NOW! I would still like to lose weight, but I know I can make an effort and feel nicer in myself now, if I speak differently to myself and take the time.
    2. My new partner and I are very happy, and he is incredibly supportive and loving, however it’s a tricky situation at the moment with his ex and children. I will make sure I take the time to listen rather than speak, so his needs are met rather than allowing our relationship to become another arena where he has to consider someone else’s needs first.
    3. I will speak more kindly to my body. I will consider what she needs, including healthy foods, water, exercise, rest and healthy self care and skincare routines. I will practice saying no to things I know are unhelpful for me, by questioning: is this the best thing for me now/long term? We only get one body and I want her to function as well as possible for as long as possible.

  • Yvonne


  • Chrystle VanOs

    My biggest struggle with my body is my weight and not eating properly.
    For fun, I like to read books. I currently have 4 different series I am reading.

  • Rebecca

    Awesome testimony I so can relate to you in so many ways especially as a kid I went through the same thought pattern. Thank you for sharing what you have discovered it’s so awesome I need to live better and feeling happy about my life more.

  • Amanda Peters

    1) do now stop waiting till I’m skinny – I currently walk a mile each day with my dog but would love to join a yoga class. I went once but everyone was so tiny and it put me off. So vowed not to go back till I was smaller but I’m going to go back and try it again and enjoy being me and the experience.

    2) going to try and be less critical with my partner and being so defensive and sensitive to what I think is criticism but is really my own insecurities at play.

    3) going to attempt to be kinder in thought to my body,ask it what it needs. The words it’s the vessel that’s carrying me to the end kinda stuck with me and I want to make sure I treat it with more respect.
    Thank you xx A xx

  • Erica

    I just signed up, so I’m behind, but glad to join you all!
    Fun and Food:
    What will I do today for fun? I have to take my daughter to a birthday party at a water park, and instead of sitting on the side, I’m going to get in the water too!

    Food: I do not have a great relationship with my body right now.I actually was so disconnected from it that I didn’t even realize I had gained so much weight until I saw a picture of myself – you would have thought that the fact I kept having to buy bigger clothing sizes would have been a clue. I never had to think about my weight before, so exercising willpower with food is a new thing for me, but after turning 40 and having constant stress at work, with family, and within my relationship (not to mention that I have been a natural born worrier), I’ve gained, and I know it’s emotional eating that’s doing it to me. Plus, I’ve always equated food with enjoyment and luxury, which I crave, so I don’t want to deprive myself, I just want a healthier relationship with food and my body.

  • Mel

    I have been dealing with infertility for 10 years now and my ability to lose weight has changed considerably over the years due to stress and the many fertility treatments I’ve endured. Although I’ve learned to have a better relationship with my body, and I focus on healthy eating, my joints have been acting up and I have been experiencing hair loss and skin issues. This makes me want to scour the Internet for that perfect diet that will fix it all, but I know better than to go back to extreme diets because they simply aren’t sustainable. Thank you for reminding us in the video that we need to give our body the chance to tell us what it needs simply by tuning into it and listening.
    One thing I’ll do for fun today is go to dinner and a movie with my girlfriend!

  • Sonja

    Love this video. Sorry for being so eager but I seriously couldn’t wait.

    Simply put, the biggest change I have experienced since starting the live more – weigh less challenge is the inner shift. I know this is the start of everything for me. Thank you very much ?

    • Sarah

      This challenge is all about the inner shift while adding more fun and inspiration to your life. It is only the beginning. xo


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Photos by Danielle Fletcher.